Friday, May 2, 2008


Today was the final day of the journeyman program. With a bit more review, and some repair lectures with Bryan, we then had our written exam. After a thorough cleanup of the shop and classroom, we had a little graduation in which our certificates and final "grades" were given to us. Jacob brought his own cap/gown combo... he was finishing the master class, and I'm expecting great things for/from him in the near future! (Mando cafe folks, this is Yellowmandolin, and I hope he doesn't kick my ass for putting up this pic!)
The goofballs in the other picture are the guys who shared Cabin 1 - Nice fellows all, inasmuch as I got to know them, which isn't very much, but some.
Farewell to Boyland... I've learned a lot here... overall a very positive learning experience despite a few crises of confidence and discouragements along the way. I'm very pleased with the guitar and feel I got what I came here for, which was to get a solid foundation in building and repair concepts, methods, tools, materials and skills-- on which to practice and grow.
I'm headed home over the next couple of days. I doubt I'll be able to retrieve the pics and audio from 5/1... the card is still not registering... which is a shame. As soon as I can, I'll make a recording of the guitar, proper... in tune and without so much background noise... so you all can appreciate its voice. I was playing it next to my Martin D-28... very different tone, but equally lovely.


bobw said...

congratulations! 2 very nice instruments. thanks for sharing the journey

BD said...

Félicitations, Karen.

Unknown said...

Heartiest congratulations!

I can't wait to hear, and maybe even play (!!) your beautiful acoustic guitar!

Thanks for all the great, great blogging.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

I am interested in talking to you about this school.

I'm hoping you still monitor this blog even though it's been over a year since you've posted.

Please email me at:
luthierlady at aol dot com (removing the "at" and "dot" of course) so we can discuss.
