Friday, March 21, 2008

The Fix

Ok- so the blunder cannot be undone... but it can be patched. A thin dowel of wood trimmed to size and shoved into the drilled hole, then filled with thinned woodglue is the patch. After it dried, a black sharpie to stain it black. Is it visible? Sure, if you're looking. Is it noticeable if you're not looking for it? Not really. I'm going to consider whether or not to put lacquer over top.
While I was working on other things today, we were trying to brainstorm other ways to approach this repair... One idea was to put a little hook for "accessories"... maybe a key chain, a decorative tassel, fuzzy dice? Another was to put a phantom mini-toggle switch there or a red depressable button and just let people wonder what the heck it does. And if they ask... just say "whatever you do, DON'T flip that switch!".

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I was liking the fuzzy dice notion... but the toggle switch is even better.