Saturday, March 15, 2008

Weird story, and more from Boyland

OK- so I was in the grocery store last night, and the fellow behind me in the checkout line asked me if I'd grown up on the east side of Grand Rapids. I said I hadn't, and that I was from Philadelphia. He told me that I reminded me so much of a guy he'd known as a kid, and thought I might be that guy. I said no, and explained that I was just here to learn guitar building. He wished me luck and we went our separate ways.

The whole exchange was really weird for me. I mean, the guy was friendly and no harm done at all, but I'm not used to being mistaken for a man by somebody with whom I'm having a conversation. Sure, I get "sir"ed all the time in brief contacts by gas station attendants or cashiers... but usually once I speak, they back pedal b/c they realize I'm not a man. Those of you who know me, know of my rather androgynous appearance, and those of you who don't can probably see it in my picture here (the long hair is gone now, btw)... but in the NE, I'm used to being read as "dyke" (which I am) and not as "man".

Which reminds me...
Did you know that in Boyland, they don't put stuff on their cuticles to keep them from cracking and bleeding? It's definitely a giveaway. But I did hear a couple of the guys in my class talking about having cut off their long ponytails and donating them to Locks of Love. So... in Boyland there is some big heartedness even if it comes in the guise of being cool.

1 comment:

J said...

All of your work looks great. Sounds like you are VERY busy. What did you do this weekend? Did you find music?