Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Carving Top Braces

This is really what I spent most of my day today doing. Literally took almost all day, working slowly (and ok, did the kerfing and parabolic sanding too)... but I definitely got a lot of practice with the chisel, and feel like I'm starting to get it in my hands. Each of these braces is carved to specs... whether scalloped (curved) or tapered (angled), how much material is removed, etc. It can be tricky... especially scooping the braces that have other braces butting up against them (and you don't want to slip and gouge adjacent braces)... and you have to pay attention to which direction the grain wants to pull the chisel, and whether the bevel should be up or down for the cut you're trying to make, and whether the chisel wants to dig deeper into the wood than you want it to go... but there is a zen quality to it, for sure. And the curls of wood are endlessly fascinating.

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