Monday, April 14, 2008

Real Trouble in Boyland

OK...most of this Boyland stuff has been in good fun, a kind of social anthropology of interesting contrasts. But this week has raised a serious problem and evidence that I am an undesired interloper in Boyland. I'm talking, of course, about the fact that there is no provision in the Boyland bathroom for disposal of menstrual products. An issue which I had to figure out today.

What's a girl to do? Surreptitiously wrap items in copious amounts of toilet paper and deposit the sodden mess in general trash bin with sawdust and wood shavings? Carry around ziploc baggies in my pockets? Complain to the management about the lack of appropriate receptacles? I mean PUH-LEEZE people, it's not enough to put one of those stick figure signs on the outside of the door that indicates permission for both trouser-wearing and dress-wearing stick figures to use the restroom. The place has to be appropriately equipped!

I ended up raising the issue with the teacher in a private moment, and he apologized and remedied the situation immediately. But I hated that I had to figure out how to ask for that, thus being required to disclose more personal info to the teacher than I really wanted to disclose.

Add on top of that the particular joy of hogging out neck wood while dealing with really bad cramps...and not even being able to kvetch about it!!

Sorry if this grosses anyone out. Just had to mention it.


batTzedek said...

As the immortal grafitti goes: Free Tampons or Bloodshed!


Anonymous said...

Dunno how you come up with "undesired interloper" - sounds more like they were just unprepared. How compliant are they with the ADA, for example? If they aren't setup for wheelchair access, does that imply someone with a disability is "undesired"? Hardly.

Otter said...

Well, my first response is that the post was intended to be semi-joking... the language was exaggerated for that reason.

My second response is... willful or persitent thoughtless unpreparedness communicates unwelcome. If everytime I go some place, I have to request accommodations (whether for a disability or for a normal bodily function that affects more than 1/2of humans) it definitely communicates unwelcome.

Don't get me wrong... I don't think there is any deliberate intention to do that... just cluelessness. The teacher said "I'm sorry... I didn't even think about that" And of course he didn't. But any kind of real inclusivity requires forethought and planning.

Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose you could've gone all L7 on them... ;)

Otter '08: A Force For Change