Monday, April 7, 2008

Fret Board

Friday we also started working on our fretboards. First we drilled two locator holes ... basically, these help place the board onto the templates that are then used to slot and taper it.
The fret slotting process is made easy by the use of elaborate jigs. The board is attached to a plexiglass template, which is held in place and run over a table saw blade with just the right kerf (thickness of cut) for fret slots. The plexiglass template has notches in it at the proper spacing, and the jig has a locating pin that fits into that slot... I know this might not be clear, but the upshot is that it is idiot-proof (or as they say around here, student-proof) and the slots are cut to just the right spacing. This is extremely important, as this determines the pitch of notes, and if these are off, the thing will NEVER play in tune.

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