Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wandering Jew

Well, I was going to try to post some more this morning, but the blog function that uploads photos is not really working... so you'll have to wait a few days for more lutherie pics.

Meanwhile, I'll be heading east to Detroit to find some like-minded Jews with whom to celebrate Passover. Truly, I tried to find one closer by... but there is a noticeable shortage of Jewish lesbian feminists or even progressive Jews here in western Michigan. I have been feeling a bit like Joel Fleishman in Nothern Exposure, desperately seeking a minyan with whom to say Kaddish for his dead grandfather. He ends up flying Jews in from all parts of Alaska only to realize that his real community is already around him, Jewish or not. Which is all well and good for him, but I haven't really been here long enough to have anything like community. If it were otherwise, I'd be hosting a seder myself. So off I go to Detroit.

Some of you know that I have hosted a big funky anti-war, anti-occupation, feminist and lesbian-centric seder for many years with Elliott in my home. It has been a cornerstone of my calendar, community life, spiritual practice, etc. So it is a bid deal to be away from home on Passover. I am grateful to these folks (political compatriots of Elliot's) for the invitation.

I'll blog about it on my return.

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