Thursday, April 17, 2008

Truss Rod stuff and heel prep

Time to get the truss rod washer ground down to square (so it fits on the tenon)... anyway, it's an opportunity for a dramatic sparky picture. And here's a detail...the truss rod nut had to be chamfered... that means that little funnel shape was put into the top of the nut where the allen key goes in to adjust it. Reason is, the truss rod will be behind the shoulder brace... there's a hole drilled in the brace for access, but you can't see what you're doing in there... so the chamfer will help guide the allen key into the hole, rather than having to get it spot on without being able to see it. Tenon is cut down to match the size of the mortise, and the excess material is taken off of the heel with a bandsaw... ready to shape the neck and heel. The pencil lines show where to take off material.

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